Graduate Profile of Islamic Banking

Islamic Banking

Graduate Profile Description
Manager Graduates are able to direct, integrate, coordinate, and supervise the work carried out by their organization members in the fields of finance and digital banking.
Entrepreneur Graduates are able to create business opportunities that promote the welfare of the community with an environmental perspective, embodying noble character, and applying the values of Islamic teachings that are a blessing for the worlds.
Researcher Graduates possess the competence to assist in conducting scientific research aimed at seeking truth to advance knowledge, discover technologies, and produce innovations for the improvement of civilization and human welfare in the fields of finance and digital banking.
Financial Expert Graduates have competencies in the fields of Sharia economics, Sharia finance, Sharia business, halal industry, and/or Islamic philanthropy, enabling them to work in the business world and industry, whether in government institutions, private sector, state-owned enterprises, or Islamic philanthropy.
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