9 Promising Career Opportunities for Accounting Students

9 Promising Career Opportunities for Accounting Students

The Faculty of Economics and Business Alma Ata – Accounting has long been one of the favorite choices for prospective students in Indonesia. According to data from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, the accounting major ranked second in popularity among SBMPTN 2017 test takers, after the management major. This is due to the strong belief that an accounting major offers bright future prospects.

A career in accounting is a dream for many. Besides offering promising career prospects, career advancement in this field is also assured. Additionally, job opportunities in accounting are broad and wide open, which explains why this major is popular among high school graduates wishing to continue their education at the university level.

Promising Career Prospects for Accounting Majors

Although accounting is part of the social sciences, it is not only popular among students with an IPS (Social Sciences) background. Many students from the IPA (Natural Sciences) track are also interested in pursuing studies in accounting due to its promising career prospects.

Career Opportunities for Accounting Graduates

  • Becoming a Public Accountant: Public accountants are independent professionals who analyze various financial reports without being tied to a single company. They earn income from services such as auditing financial reports, assessing company operations, tax reporting, and financial consulting. To become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), specific requirements must be met. The average salary for a fresh graduate at a public accounting firm ranges from IDR 4 million to IDR 8 million per month, while senior positions can earn between IDR 8 million and IDR 12 million per month.
  • Becoming an Internal Auditor: Companies across various sectors require internal auditors to ensure that financial reports are accurate and reflect reality. Internal auditors are also responsible for ensuring that company management operates efficiently and without discrepancies. This profession requires a high level of honesty. Fresh graduates working as internal auditors in major cities can earn around IDR 7 million to IDR 10 million per month, with salaries exceeding IDR 10 million in foreign companies.
  • Becoming a Financial Planner: With the growing middle class in Indonesia each year, the demand for financial planners is also increasing. Many accounting graduates seize this opportunity to build a career as financial planners. For better career prospects, accounting graduates can obtain financial planning certification or Certified Financial Planner (CFP) status. Earnings for financial planners typically depend on consulting services provided, with rates varying from IDR 250,000 to IDR 3 million per hour, or IDR 5.5 million to IDR 60 million per year.
  • Analyzing Financial Data for Companies or Individuals: Individuals or companies often require financial analysts to interpret financial data, which is then used as a basis for business decisions. Financial analyst roles are common in securities firms and portfolio management. To advance in this career, a financial analyst can pursue the internationally recognized Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification. Salaries for financial analysts can range from IDR 7 million to over IDR 20 million per month.
  • Working at OJK or BI: Accounting graduates can also work in government agencies such as the Financial Services Authority (OJK) or Bank Indonesia (BI). Besides being prestigious, salaries for fresh graduates in these institutions are usually above average. However, due to the stringent selection process and high competition, accounting students should be active in organizations, participate in English training, and acquire relevant skills to enhance their chances of working in these institutions. Salaries for staff at OJK or BI can reach IDR 16 million per month.
  • Becoming a Credit Analyst: Credit analysts are typically needed in the banking or financing industries. Their task is to assess a borrower’s ability to repay loans and interest, and to evaluate and recommend loan amounts that can be provided by banks or financing companies. Salaries for credit analysts range from IDR 5.5 million to IDR 15 million per month.
  • Working as a Civil Servant: Accounting majors are always in demand in various job fields, including government. Every government agency requires accounting staff to handle financial matters. Therefore, job openings for accounting graduates are frequently available in the recruitment of Civil Servants (CPNS). Salaries for accounting graduates working in government agencies can reach IDR 5 million to IDR 7 million per month, excluding various allowances that can increase total earnings to around IDR 9 million per month.
  • Becoming an Educator: Accounting graduates can also pursue careers as educators, either in formal or non-formal educational institutions. Besides becoming lecturers or teachers, accounting educators can also work as consultants providing financial seminars or at research institutions studying accounting issues in society.
  • Starting Your Own Business: Accounting students have the flexibility to enter various business fields. With knowledge in business development, accounting graduates have opportunities to start their own ventures. Their expertise in bookkeeping also helps them manage income and expenses effectively while building their own businesses.


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