Introduction to Accounting: Basics for High School Students

Introduction to Accounting: Basics for High School Students

Oleh: Abi Suryono, SE., Ak., M.Ak., AWP., CA.

The Faculty of Economics and Business Alma Ata – Accounting is one of the most important fields of study in business and finance. Understanding the basics of accounting is an essential first step for high school students to master the skills needed in the working world. This article will discuss an introduction to accounting, covering the definition, purpose, basic principles, and key components in accounting.

Definition of Accounting Accounting is the process of recording, classifying, summarizing, and reporting financial information of an entity, whether it is a company, nonprofit organization, or individual. The information generated from the accounting process is used by management, shareholders, creditors, and other parties to make informed economic decisions.

Purpose of Accounting The main purpose of accounting is to provide accurate and relevant financial information for decision-making. Accounting helps in:

  1. Preparing financial statements that reflect the performance and financial position of the company.
  2. Providing data that can be used for planning and controlling operations.
  3. Meeting legal and tax regulatory requirements.
  4. Providing information to external parties such as investors and creditors.

Basic Accounting Principles There are several basic principles that form the foundation of accounting practice, which are:

  • Entity Concept: States that a business should be treated as a separate entity from its owner.
  • Going Concern Principle: Assumes that a company will continue to operate in the future.
  • Historical Cost Principle: States that assets are recorded based on their acquisition cost.
  • Monetary Unit Principle: States that only transactions that can be measured in monetary terms are recorded.
  • Accounting Period Principle: Recognizes that financial statements must be prepared for specific periods of time, such as monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Key Components in Accounting

  • General Journal: The first place where financial transactions are recorded. Each transaction is recorded in journal form with debit and credit entries.
  • General Ledger: A collection of accounts used to classify and summarize information from the general journal.
  • Trial Balance: A list of all general ledger accounts with debit and credit balances used to ensure the balance between debits and credits.
  • Financial Statements: The final output of the accounting process, which includes the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. The balance sheet shows the company’s financial position at a specific point in time, the income statement reflects the company’s financial performance over a specific period, and the cash flow statement shows the cash inflows and outflows during a given period.

Mastering the basics of accounting is an important step for high school students who want to understand the world of business and finance. Accounting not only provides tools to record and report financial information but also lays the foundation for better analysis and decision-making. With a strong understanding of accounting principles and key components, students can build a solid foundation for careers in accounting, finance, and business.


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