Graduate Profile


Graduate Profile Description
Sociopreneur Graduates are able to design and develop businesses that are committed to addressing and creating sustainable social change.
Digitalpreneur Graduates are able to design and develop businesses by utilizing digital platforms and technological innovation.
Manajer Graduates are able to plan, manage, lead and control managerial practices in the fields of human resources, finance, marketing and operations.
Peneliti Pemula Graduates are able to carry out relevant scientific research ethically and contribute to the development of managerial science.



Graduate Profile Description
Financial Analyst Graduates are able to apply accounting and business theories as well as quantitative methods in analyzing various accounting and business problems.
Assistant Manager Graduates are able to formulate plans and strategies for the company/organization.
Business Analyst Graduates are able to analyze business information across various sectors to support decision-making by leveraging technology.
Entrepreneur Graduates are able to identify opportunities, transform existing resources into valuable products, and run businesses while adhering to business ethics and keeping pace with changing times.
Beginner Researcher Graduates are able to plan, conduct, publish, and utilize research findings in the field of accounting.


Islamic Banking

Graduate Profile Description
Manager Graduates are able to direct, integrate, coordinate, and supervise the work carried out by their organization members in the fields of finance and digital banking.
Entrepreneur Graduates are able to create business opportunities that promote the welfare of the community with an environmental perspective, embodying noble character, and applying the values of Islamic teachings that are a blessing for the worlds.
Researcher Graduates possess the competence to assist in conducting scientific research aimed at seeking truth to advance knowledge, discover technologies, and produce innovations for the improvement of civilization and human welfare in the fields of finance and digital banking.
Financial Expert Graduates have competencies in the fields of Sharia economics, Sharia finance, Sharia business, halal industry, and/or Islamic philanthropy, enabling them to work in the business world and industry, whether in government institutions, private sector, state-owned enterprises, or Islamic philanthropy.


Islamic Economics

Graduate Profile Description
Economic Analyst Graduates possess integrative analytical skills based on Islamic knowledge and play a crucial role as economic and halal industry analysts; helping organizations understand and capitalize on halal market opportunities, as well as promoting innovation in the dynamic halal industry.
Manager Graduates have managerial capacity, analytical abilities, and innovation skills, as well as the capability to apply Islamic principles and ethics in managing Sharia businesses, particularly in the halal industry.
Entrepreneur Graduates possess entrepreneurial skills in the halal industry that are creative, globally oriented, and uphold Sharia business ethics.
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