UAA Students Encourage SMA N 1 Sleman to Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle.

UAA Students Encourage SMA N 1 Sleman to Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle.

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Alma Ata’s Accounting Study Program – In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Nutrition Study Program at Alma Ata University (UAA), a group of students organized a community service event named the nutrition fair. This fair was held in the four high schools and vocational schools within the special region of Yogyakarta, namely SMA N 1 Sleman, SMA N 1 Gamping, SMA N 5 Yogyakarta, and SMK Cipta Bakti Husada. The nutrition fair at SMA N 1 Sleman, held on January,4, 2023, focused on promoting healthy lifestyle through balanced nutrition. The event involved 3rd semester students from the Nutrition Study Program, guided by Pramitha Sari, S.Gz, RD, M.H.Kes, and Sintha Dewi Purnamasari S.Gz, Ms.

“A significant number of young people are not maintaining a balanced diet, as indicated by a brief survey in which out of over sixty attending students, only one student acknowledged regularly consuming diverse foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. Therefore, I hope that after the event organized by Alma Ata University, these students can become influencers among their peers, promoting the importance of balanced nutrition among the youth,” stated Fadmiyati, S.Pd, M.Pd, the Principal of SMAN 1 Sleman.

“This event aims to encourage young adolescents to adopt a healthy lifestyle through balanced nutrition. The ultimate goal is to cultivate a healthy, intelligent, and highly competitive next generation that will positively contribute to the nation,” remarked Pramitha Sari, S.Gz, RD, M.H.Kes.

During this event, two university student provided interactive counselling, the students also provide booth for anthropometry, and an exhibition showcasing innovative food products. All of these booths attracted a large number of teachers and students from SMA N 1 Sleman. The school health coordinator Handaka Dwi Wardaya, S.Pd, MM, showed great enthusiasm and excitement while visiting the booths set up by Alma Ata University Students.

Rizka Restuningsih, S.Pd, the supervisor of the extracurricular activity of the Indonesian Red Cross Youth at SMA N 1 Sleman, also participated and expressed her support for the nutrition fair from the beginning of the event. The school hopes for this collaboration between Alma Ata University’s Nutrititon Study Program and SMA N 1 Sleman to be an ongoing endeavor, aiming to continually improve the quality of life and the productivity of the young generation as they become the future leaders of the nation.

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